Bart Simpson is one of the most well-known cartoon characters in modern times. This game features him falling asleep while trying to complete a homework report. The fan throws the report's sheets through the window and Bart needs to recover them in order to present his report at school next morning. He needs to avoid being caught by a kissing granma, being transformed into a frog by Lisa, his sister, being bit by a killer mailbox and mashed by Otto's school bus. Each time he recovers a report sheet, he can advance to the next level, each more nightmarish than the previous. For example, he transforms himself into a Godzilla-like monster being hunted by the army, or in an Indiana Jones-type hero in a bizarre setting. The game is very challenging and entertaining, and you will spend hours of fun.
This game is as all other games featured by Segabandonware: old-fashioned, discontinued Sega arcade games that were rescued by the developer of this site and adapted for the PC environment. Thus, if you are nostalgic of the arcade games era, collect old games or are a Simpsons fan, then you will enjoy this game.
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